
MultiCorridor is a multi-agent-based simulation wherein agents must learn to move to the right in a one-dimensonal corridor to reach the end. Our implementation provides the ability to instantiate multiple agents in the simulation and restricts agents from occupying the same square. Every agent is homogeneous: they all have the same action space, observation space, and objective function.

Animation of agents moving left and right in a corridor until they reach the end.

Animation of agents moving left and right in a corridor until they reach the end.

This tutorial uses the MultiCorridor simulation and the MultiCorridor configuration.

Creating the MultiCorridor Simulation

The Agents in the Simulation

It’s helpful to start by thinking about what we want the agents to learn and what information they will need in order to learn it. In this tutorial, we want to train agents that can reach the end of a one-dimensional corridor without bumping into each other. Therefore, agents should be able to move left, move right, and stay still. In order to move to the end of the corridor without bumping into each other, they will need to see their own position and if the squares near them are occupied. Finally, we need to decide how to reward the agents. There are many ways we can do this, and we should at least capture the following:

  • The agent should be rewarded for reaching the end of the corridor.

  • The agent should be penalized for bumping into other agents.

  • The agent should be penalized for taking too long.

Since all our agents are homogeneous, we can create them in the Agent Based Simulation itself, like so:

from enum import IntEnum

from gym.spaces import Box, Discrete, MultiBinary
import numpy as np

from abmarl.sim import Agent, AgentBasedSimulation

class MultiCorridor(AgentBasedSimulation):

    class Actions(IntEnum): # The three actions each agent can take
        LEFT = 0
        STAY = 1
        RIGHT = 2

    def __init__(self, end=10, num_agents=5):
        self.end = end
        agents = {}
        for i in range(num_agents):
            agents[f'agent{i}'] = Agent(
                action_space=Discrete(3), # Move left, stay still, or move right
                    'position': Box(0, self.end-1, (1,), int), # Observe your own position
                    'left': MultiBinary(1), # Observe if the left square is occupied
                    'right': MultiBinary(1) # Observe if the right square is occupied
        self.agents = agents


Here, notice how the agents’ observation_space is a dict rather than a That’s okay because our Agent class can convert a dict of gym spaces into a Dict when finalize is called at the end of __init__.

Resetting the Simulation

At the beginning of each episode, we want the agents to be randomly positioned throughout the corridor without occupying the same squares. We must give each agent a position attribute at reset. We will also create a data structure that captures which agent is in which cell so that we don’t have to do a search for nearby agents but can directly index the space. Finally, we must track the agents’ rewards.

def reset(self, **kwargs):
    location_sample = np.random.choice(self.end-1, len(self.agents), False)
    # Track the squares themselves
    self.corridor = np.empty(self.end, dtype=object)
    # Track the position of the agents
    for i, agent in enumerate(self.agents.values()):
        agent.position = location_sample[i]
        self.corridor[location_sample[i]] = agent

    # Track the agents' rewards over multiple steps.
    self.reward = {agent_id: 0 for agent_id in self.agents}

Stepping the Simulation

The simulation is driven by the agents’ actions because there are no other dynamics. Thus, the MultiCorridor Simulation only concerns itself with processing the agents’ actions at each step. For each agent, we’ll capture the following cases:

  • An agent attempts to move to a space that is unoccupied.

  • An agent attempts to move to a space that is already occupied.

  • An agent attempts to move to the right-most space (the end) of the corridor.

def step(self, action_dict, **kwargs):
    for agent_id, action in action_dict.items():
        agent = self.agents[agent_id]
        if action == self.Actions.LEFT:
            if agent.position != 0 and self.corridor[agent.position-1] is None:
                # Good move, no extra penalty
                self.corridor[agent.position] = None
                agent.position -= 1
                self.corridor[agent.position] = agent
                self.reward[agent_id] -= 1 # Entropy penalty
            elif agent.position == 0: # Tried to move left from left-most square
                # Bad move, only acting agent is involved and should be penalized.
                self.reward[agent_id] -= 5 # Bad move
            else: # There was another agent to the left of me that I bumped into
                # Bad move involving two agents. Both are penalized
                self.reward[agent_id] -= 5 # Penalty for offending agent
                # Penalty for offended agent
                self.reward[self.corridor[agent.position-1].id] -= 2
        elif action == self.Actions.RIGHT:
            if self.corridor[agent.position + 1] is None:
                # Good move, but is the agent done?
                self.corridor[agent.position] = None
                agent.position += 1
                if agent.position == self.end-1:
                    # Agent has reached the end of the corridor!
                    self.reward[agent_id] += self.end ** 2
                # Good move, no extra penalty
                    self.corridor[agent.position] = agent
                    self.reward[agent_id] -= 1 # Entropy penalty
            else: # There was another agent to the right of me that I bumped into
                # Bad move involving two agents. Both are penalized
                self.reward[agent_id] -= 5 # Penalty for offending agent
                # Penalty for offended agent
                self.reward[self.corridor[agent.position+1].id] -= 2
        elif action == self.Actions.STAY:
            self.reward[agent_id] -= 1 # Entropy penalty


Our reward schema reveals a training dynamic that is not present in single-agent simulations: an agent’s reward does not entirely depend on its own interaction with the simulation but can be affected by other agents’ actions. In this case, agents are slightly penalized for being “bumped into” when other agents attempt to move onto their square, even though the “offended” agent did not directly cause the collision. This is discussed in MARL literature and captured in the way we have designed our Simulation Managers. In Abmarl, we favor capturing the rewards as part of the simulation’s state and only “flushing” them once they rewards are asked for in get_reward.


We have not needed to consider the order in which the simulation processes actions. Our simulation simply provides the capabilities to process any agent’s action, and we can use Simulation Managers to impose an order. This shows the flexibility of our design. In this tutorial, we will use the TurnBasedManager, but we can use any SimulationManager.

Querying Simulation State

The trainer needs to see how agents’ actions impact the simulation’s state. They do so via getters, which we define below.

def get_obs(self, agent_id, **kwargs):
    agent_position = self.agents[agent_id].position
    if agent_position == 0 or self.corridor[agent_position-1] is None:
        left = False
        left = True
    if agent_position == self.end-1 or self.corridor[agent_position+1] is None:
        right = False
        right = True
    return {
        'position': [agent_position],
        'left': [left],
        'right': [right],

def get_done(self, agent_id, **kwargs):
    return self.agents[agent_id].position == self.end - 1

def get_all_done(self, **kwargs):
    for agent in self.agents.values():
        if agent.position != self.end - 1:
            return False
    return True

def get_reward(self, agent_id, **kwargs):
    agent_reward = self.reward[agent_id]
    self.reward[agent_id] = 0
    return agent_reward

def get_info(self, agent_id, **kwargs):
    return {}

Rendering for Visualization

Finally, it’s often useful to be able to visualize a simulation as it steps through an episode. We can do this via the render funciton.

def render(self, *args, fig=None, **kwargs):
    draw_now = fig is None
    if draw_now:
        from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
        fig = plt.gcf()

    ax = fig.gca()
    ax.set(xlim=(-0.5, self.end + 0.5), ylim=(-0.5, 0.5))
    ax.set_xticks(np.arange(-0.5, self.end + 0.5, 1.))
        [agent.position for agent in self.agents.values()]),
        marker='s', s=200, c='g'

    if draw_now:

Training the MultiCorridor Simulation

Now that we have created the simulation and agents, we can create a configuration file for training.

Simulation Setup

We’ll start by setting up the simulation we have just built. Then we’ll choose a Simulation Manager. Abmarl comes with two built-In managers: TurnBasedManager, where only a single agent takes a turn per step, and AllStepManager, where all non-done agents take a turn per step. For this experiment, we’ll use the TurnBasedManager. Then, we’ll wrap the simulation with our MultiAgentWrapper, which enables us to connect with RLlib. Finally, we’ll register the simulation with RLlib.

# MultiCorridor is the simulation we created above
from abmarl.examples import MultiCorridor
from abmarl.managers import TurnBasedManager
# MultiAgentWrapper needed to connect with RLlib
from abmarl.external import MultiAgentWrapper

# Create an instance of the simulation and register it
sim = MultiAgentWrapper(TurnBasedManager(MultiCorridor()))
sim_name = "MultiCorridor"
from ray.tune.registry import register_env
register_env(sim_name, lambda sim_config: sim)

Policy Setup

Now we want to create the policies and the policy mapping function in our multiagent experiment. Each agent in our simulation is homogeneous: they all have the same observation space, action space, and objective function. Thus, we can create a single policy and map all agents to that policy.

ref_agent = sim.unwrapped.agents['agent0']
policies = {
    'corridor': (None, ref_agent.observation_space, ref_agent.action_space, {})
def policy_mapping_fn(agent_id):
    return 'corridor'

Experiment Parameters

Having setup the simulation and policies, we can now bundle all that information into a parameters dictionary that will be read by Abmarl and used to launch RLlib.

params = {
    'experiment': {
        'title': f'{sim_name}',
        'sim_creator': lambda config=None: sim,
    'ray_tune': {
        'run_or_experiment': 'PG',
        'checkpoint_freq': 50,
        'checkpoint_at_end': True,
        'stop': {
            'episodes_total': 2000,
        'verbose': 2,
        'config': {
            # --- Simulation ---
            'disable_env_checking': False,
            'env': sim_name,
            'horizon': 200,
            'env_config': {},
            # --- Multiagent ---
            'multiagent': {
                'policies': policies,
                'policy_mapping_fn': policy_mapping_fn,
            # --- Parallelism ---
            # Number of workers per experiment: int
            "num_workers": 7,
            # Number of simulations that each worker starts: int
            "num_envs_per_worker": 1, # This must be 1 because we are not "threadsafe"

Command Line interface

With the configuration file complete, we can utilize the command line interface to train our agents. We simply type abmarl train, where is the name of our configuration file. This will launch Abmarl, which will process the file and launch RLlib according to the specified parameters. This particular example should take 1-10 minutes to train, depending on your compute capabilities. You can view the performance in real time in tensorboard with tensorboard --logdir ~/abmarl_results.

Visualizing the Trained Behaviors

We can visualize the agents’ learned behavior with the visualize command, which takes as argument the output directory from the training session stored in ~/abmarl_results. For example, the command

abmarl visualize ~/abmarl_results/MultiCorridor-2020-08-25_09-30/ -n 5 --record

will load the experiment (notice that the directory name is the experiment title from the configuration file appended with a timestamp) and display an animation of 5 episodes. The --record flag will save the animations as .mp4 videos in the training directory.

Extra Challenges

Having successfully trained a MARL experiment, we can further explore the agents’ behaviors and the training process. Some ideas are:

  • We could enhance the MultiCorridor Simulation so that the “target” cell is a different location in each episode.

  • We could introduce heterogeneous agents with the ability to “jump over” other agents. With heterogeneous agents, we can nontrivially train multiple policies.

  • We could study how the agents’ behaviors differ if they are trained using the AllStepManager.

  • We could create our own Simulation Manager so that if an agent causes a collision, it skips its next turn.

  • We could do a parameter search over both simulation and algorithm parameters to study how the parameters affect the learned behaviors.

  • We could analyze how often agents collide with one another and where those collisions most commonly occur.

  • And much, much more!

As we attempt these extra challenges, we will experience one of Abmarl’s strongest features: the ease with which we can modify our experiment file and launch another training job, going through the pipeline from experiment setup to behavior visualization and analysis!