GridWorld Simulation Framework

Abmarl provides a GridWorld Simulation Framework for setting up grid-based Agent Based Simulations, which can be connected to Reinforcement Learning algorithms through Abmarl’s AgentBasedSimulation interface. The GridWorld Simulation Framework is a grey box: we assume users have working knowledge of Python and object-oriented programming. Using the built in features requires minimal knowledge, but extending them and creating new features requires more knowledge. In addition to the design documentation below, see the GridWorld tutorials for in-depth examples on using and extending the GridWorld Simulation Framework.

Framework Design

Gridworld Simulation Framework

Abmarl’s GridWorld Simulation Framework. A simulation has a Grid, a dictionary of agents, and various components that manage the various features of the simulation. The componets shown in medium-blue are user-configurable and -creatable.

The GridWorld Simulation Framework utilizes a modular design that allows users to create new features and plug them in as components of the simulation. Every component inherits from the GridWorldBaseComponent class and has a reference to a Grid and a dictionary of Agents. These components make up a GridWorldSimulation, which extends the AgentBasedSimulation interface. For example, a simulation might look something like this:

from abmarl.sim.gridworld.base import GridWorldSimulation
from abmarl.sim.gridworld.state import PositionState
from import MoveActor
from import SingleGridObserver

class MyGridSim(GridWorldSimulation):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.agents = kwargs['agents']
        self.position_state = PositionState(**kwargs)
        self.move_actor = MoveActor(**kwargs) = SingleGridObserver(**kwargs)

    def reset(self, **kwargs):

    def step(self, action_dict):
        for agent_id, action in action_dict.items():
            self.move_actor.process_action(self.agents[agent_id], action)

    def get_obs(self, agent_id, **kwargs):


Every entity in the simulation is a GridWorldAgent (e.g. walls, foragers, resources, fighters, etc.). GridWorldAgents are PrincipleAgents with specific parameters that work with their respective components. Agents must be given an encoding, which is a positive integer that correlates to the type of agent and simplifies the logic for many components of the framework. GridWorldAgents can also be configured with an initial position, the ability to block other agents’ abilities, and visualization parameters such as shape and color.

Following the dataclass model, additional agent classes can be defined that allow them to work with various components. For example, GridObservingAgents can work with Observers, and MovingAgents can work with the MoveActor. Any new agent class should inhert from GridWorldAgent and possibly from ActingAgent or ObservingAgent as needed. For example, one can define a new type of agent like so:

from abmarl.sim.gridworld.agent import GridWorldAgent
from abmarl.sim import ActingAgent

class CommunicatingAgent(GridWorldAgent, ActingAgent):
    def __init__(self, broadcast_range=None, **kwargs):
        self.broadcast_range = broadcast_range


Agents should follow the dataclass model, meaning that they should only be given parameters. All functionality should be written in the simulation components.


The Grid stores Agents in a two-dimensional numpy array. The Grid is configured to be a certain size (rows and columns) and to allow types of Agents to overlap (occupy the same cell). For example, you may want a ForagingAgent to be able to overlap with a ResourceAgent but not a WallAgent. The overlapping parameter is a dictionary that maps the Agent’s encoding to a list of other Agents’ encodings with which it can overlap. For example,

from abmarl.sim.gridworld.grid import Grid

overlapping = {
    1: [2],
    2: [1, 3],
    3: [2, 3]
grid = Grid(5, 6, overlapping=overlapping)

means that agents whose encoding is 1 can overlap with other agents whose encoding is 2; agents whose encoding is 2 can overlap with other agents whose encoding is 1 or 3; and agents whose encoding is 3 can overlap with other agents whose encoding is 2 or 3.


To avoid undefined behavior, the overlapping should be symmetric, so that if 2 can overlap with 3, then 3 can also overlap with 2.


If overlapping is not specified, then no agents will be able to occupy the same cell in the Grid.

Interaction between simulation components and the Grid is data open, which means that we allow components to access the internals of the Grid. Although this is possible and sometimes necessary, the Grid also provides an interface for safer interactions with components. Components can query the Grid to see if an agent can be placed at a specific position. Components can place agents at a specific position in the Grid, which will succeed if that cell is available to the agent as per the overlapping configuration. And Components can remove agents from specific positions in the Grid.


State Components manage the state of the simulation alongside the Grid. At the bare minimum, each State resets the part of the simulation that it manages at the the start of each episode.


Actor Components are responsible for processing agent actions and producing changes to the state of the simulation. Actors assign supported agents with an appropriate action space and process agents’ actions based on the Actor’s key. The result of the action is a change in the simulation’s state, and Actors should return that change in a reasonable form. For example, the MoveActor appends MovingAgents’ action spaces with a ‘move’ channel and looks for the ‘move’ key in the agent’s incoming action. After a move is processed, the MoveActor returns if the move was successful.


Observer Components are responsible for creating an agent’s observation of the state of the simulation. Observers assign supported agents with an appropriate observation space and generate observations based on the Observer’s key. For example, the SingleGridObserver generates an observation of the nearby grid and stores it in the ‘grid’ channel of the ObservingAgent’s observation.


Done Components manage the “done state” of each agent and of the simulation as a whole. Agents that are reported as done will cease sending actions to the simulation, and the episode will end when all the agents are done or when the simulation is done.

Component Wrappers

The GridWorld Simulation Framework also supports Component Wrappers. Wrapping a component can be useful when you don’t want to add a completely new component and only need to make a modification to the way a component already works. A component wrapper is itself a component, and so it must implement the same interface as the wrapped component to ensure that it works within the framework. A component wrapper also defines additional functions for wrapping spaces and data to and from those spaces: check_space for ensuring the space can be transformed, wrap_space to perform the transformation, and wrap_point to map data to the transformed space.

As its name suggests, a Component Wrapper stands between the underlying component and other objects with which it exchanges data. As such, a wrapper typically modifies the incoming/outgoing data before leveraging the underlying component for the actual datda processing. The main difference among wrapper types is in the direction of data flow, which we detail below.

Actor Wrappers

An Actor Wrappers receives actions in the wrapped_space through the process_action function. It can modify the data before sending it to the underlying Actor to process. An Actor Wrapper may need to modify the action spaces of corresponding agents to ensure that the action arrives in the correct format.

Built-in Features

Below is a list of some features that are available to use out of the box. Rememeber, you can create your own features in the GridWorld Simulation Framework and use many combinations of components together to make up a simulation.


Agents have positions in the Grid that are managed by the PositionState. Agents can be configured with an initial position, which is where they will start at the beginning of each episode. If they are not given an initial position, then they will start at a random cell in the grid. Agents can overlap according to the Grid’s overlapping configuration. For example, consider the following setup:

import numpy as np
from abmarl.sim.gridworld.agent import GridWorldAgent
from abmarl.sim.gridworld.grid import Grid
from abmarl.sim.gridworld.state import PositionState

agent0 = GridWorldAgent(
    initial_position=np.array([2, 4])
agent1 = GridWorldAgent(
position_state = PositionState(
    agents={'agent0': agent0, 'agent1': agent1},
    grid=Grid(4, 5)

agent0 is configured with an initial position and agent1 is not. At the start of each episode, agent0 will be placed at (2, 4) and agent1 will be placed anywhere in the grid (except for (2,4) because they cannot overlap).

Agents starting positions

agent0 in green starts at the same cell in every episode, and agent1 in blue starts at a random cell each time.


MovingAgents can move around the Grid in conjunction with the MoveActor. MovingAgents require a move range parameter, indicating how many spaces away they can move in a single step. Agents cannot move out of bounds and can only move to the same cell as another agent if they are allowed to overlap. For example, in this setup

import numpy as np
from abmarl.sim.gridworld.agent import MovingAgent
from abmarl.sim.gridworld.grid import Grid
from abmarl.sim.gridworld.state import PositionState
from import MoveActor

agents = {
    'agent0': MovingAgent(
        id='agent0', encoding=1, move_range=1, initial_position=np.array([2, 2])
    'agent1': MovingAgent(
        id='agent1', encoding=1, move_range=2, initial_position=np.array([0, 2])
grid = Grid(5, 5, overlapping={1: [1]})
position_state = PositionState(agents=agents, grid=grid)
move_actor = MoveActor(agents=agents, grid=grid)

move_actor.process_action(agents['agent0'], {'move': np.array([0, 1])})
move_actor.process_action(agents['agent1'], {'move': np.array([2, 1])})

agent0 starts at position (2, 2) and can move up to one cell away. agent1 starts at (0, 2) and can move up to two cells away. The two agents can overlap each other, so when the move actor processes their actions, both agents will be at position (2, 3).

Agents moving in the grid

agent0 and agent1 move to the same cell.

Single Grid Observer

GridObservingAgents can observe the state of the Grid around them, namely which other agents are nearby, via the SingleGridObserver. The SingleGridObserver generates a two-dimensional array sized by the agent’s view range with the observing agent located at the center of the array. All other agents within the view range will appear in the observation, shown as their encoding. For example, the following setup

import numpy as np
from abmarl.sim.gridworld.agent import GridObservingAgent, GridWorldAgent
from abmarl.sim.gridworld.grid import Grid
from abmarl.sim.gridworld.state import PositionState
from import SingleGridObserver

agents = {
    'agent0': GridObservingAgent(id='agent0', encoding=1, initial_position=np.array([2, 2]), view_range=3),
    'agent1': GridWorldAgent(id='agent1', encoding=2, initial_position=np.array([0, 1])),
    'agent2': GridWorldAgent(id='agent2', encoding=3, initial_position=np.array([1, 0])),
    'agent3': GridWorldAgent(id='agent3', encoding=4, initial_position=np.array([4, 4])),
    'agent4': GridWorldAgent(id='agent4', encoding=5, initial_position=np.array([4, 4])),
    'agent5': GridWorldAgent(id='agent5', encoding=6, initial_position=np.array([5, 5]))
grid = Grid(6, 6, overlapping={4: [5], 5: [4]})
position_state = PositionState(agents=agents, grid=grid)
observer = SingleGridObserver(agents=agents, grid=grid)


will position agents as below and output an observation for agent0 (blue) like so:

[-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1],
[-1,  0,  2,  0,  0,  0,  0],
[-1,  3,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0],
[-1,  0,  0,  1,  0,  0,  0],
[-1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0],
[-1,  0,  0,  0,  0, 4*,  0],
[-1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  6]

Since view range is the number of cells away that can be observed, the observation size is (2 * view_range + 1) x (2 * view_range + 1). agent0 is centered in the middle of this array, shown by its encoding: 1. All other agents appear in the observation relative to agent0’s position and shown by their encodings. The agent observes some out of bounds cells, which appear as -1s. agent3 and agent4 occupy the same cell, and the SingleGridObserver will randomly select between their encodings for the observation.

By setting observe_self to False, the SingleGridObserver can be configured so that an agent doesn’t observe itself and only observes other agents, which may be helpful if overlapping is an important part of the simulation.


Agents can block other agents’ abilities and characteristics, such as blocking them from view, which masks out parts of the observation. For example, if agent4 is configured with blocking=True, then the observation would like like this:

[-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1],
[-1,  0,  2,  0,  0,  0,  0],
[-1,  3,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0],
[-1,  0,  0,  1,  0,  0,  0],
[-1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0],
[-1,  0,  0,  0,  0, 4*,  0],
[-1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, -2]

The -2 indicates that the cell is masked, and the choice of displaying agent3 over agent4 is still a random choice. Which cells get masked by blocking agents is determined by drawing two lines from the center of the observing agent’s cell to the corners of the blocking agent’s cell. Any cell whose center falls between those two lines will be masked, as shown below.

Masked cells from blocking agent

The black agent is a wall agent that masks part of the grid from the blue agent. Cells whose centers fall betweent the lines are masked. Centers that fall directly on the line or outside of the lines are not masked. Two setups are shown to demonstrate how the masking may change based on the agents’ positions.

Multi Grid Observer

Similar to the SingleGridObserver, the MultiGridObserver displays a separate array for every encoding. Each array shows the relative positions of the agents and the number of those agents that occupy each cell. Out of bounds indicators (-1) and masked cells (-2) are present in every grid. For example, this setup would show an observation like so:

# Encoding 1
[-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1],
[-1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0],
[-1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0],
[-1,  0,  0,  1,  0,  0,  0],
[-1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0],
[-1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0],
[-1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, -2]

# Encoding 2
[-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1],
[-1,  0,  1,  0,  0,  0,  0],
[-1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0],
[-1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0],
[-1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0],
[-1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0],
[-1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, -2]

MultiGridObserver may be preferable to SingleGridObserver in simulations where there are many overlapping agents.


HealthAgents track their health throughout the simulation. Health is always bounded between 0 and 1. Agents whose health falls to 0 are marked as inactive. They can be given an initial health, which they start with at the beginning of the episode. Otherwise, their health will be a random number between 0 and 1, as managed by the HealthState. Consider the following setup:

from abmarl.sim.gridworld.agent import HealthAgent
from abmarl.sim.gridworld.grid import Grid
from abmarl.sim.gridworld.state import HealthState

agent0 = HealthAgent(id='agent0', encoding=1)
grid = Grid(3, 3)
agents = {'agent0': agent0}
health_state = HealthState(agents=agents, grid=grid)

agent0 will be assigned a random health value between 0 and 1.


Health becomes more interesting when we let agents attack one another. AttackingAgents work in conjunction with the AttackActor. They have an attack range, which dictates the range of their attack; an attack accuracy, which dictates the chances of the attack being successful; and an attack strength, which dictates how much health is depleted from the attacked agent. An agent’s choice to attack is a boolean–either attack or don’t attack–and then the AttackActor determines the successfulness based on the state of the simulation and the attributes of the AttackingAgent. The AttackActor requires an attack mapping dictionary which determines which encodings can attack other encodings, similar to the overlapping parameter for the Grid. Consider the following setup:

import numpy as np
from abmarl.sim.gridworld.agent import AttackingAgent, HealthAgent
from abmarl.sim.gridworld.grid import Grid
from abmarl.sim.gridworld.state import PositionState, HealthState
from import AttackActor

agents = {
    'agent0': AttackingAgent(
        initial_position=np.array([0, 0]),
    'agent1': HealthAgent(id='agent1', encoding=2, initial_position=np.array([1, 0])),
    'agent2': HealthAgent(id='agent2', encoding=3, initial_position=np.array([0, 1]))
grid = Grid(2, 2)
position_state = PositionState(agents=agents, grid=grid)
health_state = HealthState(agents=agents, grid=grid)
attack_actor = AttackActor(agents=agents, grid=grid, attack_mapping={1: [2]})

attack_actor.process_action(agents['agent0'], {'attack': True})
attack_actor.process_action(agents['agent0'], {'attack': True})

Here, agent0 attempts to make two attack actions. The first one is successful because agent1 is within its attack range and is attackable according to the attack mapping. agent1’s health will be depleted by 1, and as a result its health will fall to 0 and it will be marked as inactive. The second attack fails because, although agent2 is within range, it is not a type that agent0 can attack.

Agent attacking other agents

agent0 in blue performs two attacks. The first is successful, but the second is not. agent1 in green is killed, but agent2 in red is still active.


Attacks can be blocked by blocking agents. If an attackable agent is masked from an attacking agent, then it cannot be attacked by that agent. The masking is determined the same way as view blocking described above.


The RavelActionWrapper transforms Discrete, MultiBinary, MultiDiscrete, bounded integer Box, and any nesting of those spaces into a Discrete space by “ravelling” their values according to numpy’s ravel_multi_index function. Thus, actions that are represented by arrays are converted into unique Discrete numbers. For example, we can apply the RavelActionWrapper to the MoveActor, like so:

from abmarl.sim.gridworld.agent import MovingAgent
from abmarl.sim.gridworld.grid import Grid
from abmarl.sim.gridworld.state import PositionState
from import MoveActor
from abmarl.sim.gridworld.wrapper import RavelActionWrapper

agents = {
    'agent0': MovingAgent(id='agent0', encoding=1, move_range=1),
    'agent1': MovingAgent(id='agent1', encoding=1, move_range=2)
grid = Grid(5, 5)
position_state = PositionState(agents=agents, grid=grid)
move_actor = MoveActor(agents=agents, grid=grid)
for agent in agents.values():

# Move actor without wrapper
actions = { agent.action_space.sample() for agent in agents.values()
# >>> {'agent0': OrderedDict([('move', array([1, 1]))]), 'agent1': OrderedDict([('move', array([ 2, -1]))])}

# Wrapped move actor
move_actor = RavelActionWrapper(move_actor)
actions = { agent.action_space.sample() for agent in agents.values()
# >>> {'agent0': OrderedDict([('move', 1)]), 'agent1': OrderedDict([('move', 22)])}

The actions from the unwrapped actor are in the original Box space, whereas after we apply the wrapper, the actions from the wrapped actor are in the transformed Discrete space. The actor will receive move actions in the Discrete space and convert them to the Box space before passing them to the MoveActor.