Communication Blocking

Consider a simulation in which some agents send messages to each other in an attempt to reach consensus while another group of agents attempts to block these messages to impede consensus. Abmarl’s GridWorld Simulation Framework already contains the features for the blocking agents; in this tutorial, we show how to create new components for the communication feature and connect them with the simulation framework. The tutorial can be found in full in our repo.

Video showing agents attempting to block communication.

Blockers (black) move around the maze blocking communications between broadcasters (green). The simulation ends when the broadcasters reach consensus.

Using built-in features

Let’s start by laying the groundwork using components already in Abmarl. We create a simulation with position, movement, and observations.

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from abmarl.sim.gridworld.agent import MovingAgent, GridObservingAgent
from abmarl.sim.gridworld.base import GridWorldSimulation
from abmarl.sim.gridworld.state import PositionState
from import MoveActor
from import PositionCenteredEncodingObserver

class BlockingAgent(MovingAgent, GridObservingAgent):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(blocking=True, **kwargs)

class BroadcastSim(GridWorldSimulation):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.position_state = PositionState(**kwargs)
        self.move_actor = MoveActor(**kwargs)
        self.grid_observer = PositionCenteredEncodingObserver(**kwargs)


    def reset(self, **kwargs):
        self.rewards = { 0 for agent in self.agents.values()}

    def step(self, action_dict, **kwargs):
        # process moves
        for agent_id, action in action_dict.items():
            agent = self.agents[agent_id]
            move_result = self.move_actor.process_action(agent, action, **kwargs)
            if not move_result:
                self.rewards[] -= 0.1

        # Entropy penalty
        for agent_id in action_dict:
            self.rewards[agent_id] -= 0.01

    def get_obs(self, agent_id, **kwargs):
        agent = self.agents[agent_id]
        return {
            **self.grid_observer.get_obs(agent, **kwargs),

    def get_reward(self, agent_id, **kwargs):
        reward = self.rewards[agent_id]
        self.rewards[agent_id] = 0
        return reward

    def get_done(self, agent_id, **kwargs):
        pass # Define this later

    def get_all_done(self, **kwargs):
        pass # Define this later

    def get_info(self, **kwargs):
        return {}

Creating our own communication components

Next we build the communication components ourselves. We know that the GridWorld Simulation Framework is made up of Agents, States, Actors, Observers, and Dones, so we expect that we’ll need to create each of these for our new communication feature. Let’s start with the Agent component.

An agent communicates by broadcasting its message to other nearby agents. So we create a new agent with a broadcast range and an initial message. The broadcast range will be used by the BroadcastActor to determine successful broadcasting, and the initial message, an optional parameter, will be used by the BroadcastState to set its message.

from abmarl.sim import ObservingAgent, ActingAgent
from abmarl.sim.gridworld.agent import GridWorldAgent

class BroadcastingAgent(ObservingAgent, ActingAgent, GridWorldAgent):
    def __init__(self, broadcast_range=None, initial_message=None, **kwargs):
        self.broadcast_range = broadcast_range
        self.initial_message = initial_message

    def broadcast_range(self):
        return self._broadcast_range

    def broadcast_range(self, value):
        assert type(value) is int and value >= 0, "Broadcast Range must be a nonnegative integer."
        self._broadcast_range = value

    def initial_message(self):
        return self._initial_message

    def initial_message(self, value):
        if value is not None:
            assert -1 <= value <= 1, "Initial message must be a number between -1 and 1."
        self._initial_message = value

    def message(self):
        return self._message

    def message(self, value):
        self._message = min(max(value, -1), 1)

    def configured(self):
        return super().configured and self.broadcast_range is not None


We could have split the BroadcastingAgent into two agents types: one type of agent that has an internal message and another type that broadcasts. This is usually a better approach because it allows you to separate features and use them in greater combination with other features. We put them together in this tutorial for simplicity.

Next, we create the BroadcastState. This component manages the part of the simulation state that tracks which messages have been sent among the agents. It will be used by the BroadcastObserver to create the agent’s observations. It also manages updates to each agent’s message.

from abmarl.sim.gridworld.state import StateBaseComponent

class BroadcastingState(StateBaseComponent):
    def reset(self, **kwargs):
        for agent in self.agents.values():
            if isinstance(agent, BroadcastingAgent):
                if agent.initial_message is not None:
                    agent.message = agent.initial_message
                    agent.message = np.random.uniform(-1, 1)

        # Tracks agents receiving messages from other agents
        self.receiving_state = {
   [] for agent in self.agents.values() if isinstance(agent, BroadcastingAgent)

    def update_receipients(self, from_agent, to_agents):
        Update messages received from other agents.
        for agent in to_agents:
            self.receiving_state[].append((, from_agent.message))

    def update_message_and_reset_receiving(self, agent):
        Update agent's internal message.

        The agent averages all the messages that it has received from other
        agents in this step.
        receiving_from = self.receiving_state[]
        self.receiving_state[] = []

        messages = [message for _, message in receiving_from]
        agent.message = np.average(messages)

        return receiving_from

Then we define the BroadcastActor. Similar to the BinaryAttackActor, broadcasting will be a boolean action–either broadcast or don’t broadcast. We provide a broadcast mapping for determining to which encodings each agent can broadcast. The message will be successfully sent to every agent that (1) is within the broadcast range, (2) has a compatible encoding, and (3) is not blocked.

from gymnasium.spaces import Discrete
from import ActorBaseComponent
import abmarl.sim.gridworld.utils as gu

class BroadcastingActor(ActorBaseComponent):
    Process sending and receiving messages between agents.

    BroadcastingAgents can broadcast to compatible agents within their range
    according to the broadcast mapping and if the agent is not blocked.
    def __init__(self, broadcast_mapping=None, **kwargs):
        self.broadcast_mapping = broadcast_mapping
        for agent in self.agents.values():
            if self._supported_agent(agent):
                agent.action_space[self.key] = Discrete(2)
                agent.null_action[self.key] = 0

    def key(self):
        return 'broadcast'

    def _supported_agent(self, agent):
        return isinstance(agent, BroadcastingAgent)

    def broadcast_mapping(self):
        Dict that dictates to which agents the broadcasting agent can broadcast.

        The dictionary maps the broadcasting agents' encodings to a list of encodings
        to which they can broadcast. For example, the folowing broadcast_mapping:
            1: [3, 4, 5],
            3: [2, 3],
        means that agents whose encoding is 1 can broadcast other agents whose encodings
        are 3, 4, or 5; and agents whose encoding is 3 can broadcast other agents whose
        encodings are 2 or 3.
        return self._broadcast_mapping

    def broadcast_mapping(self, value):
        assert type(value) is dict, "Broadcast mapping must be dictionary."
        for k, v in value.items():
            assert type(k) is int, "All keys in broadcast mapping must be integer."
            assert type(v) is list, "All values in broadcast mapping must be list."
            for i in v:
                assert type(i) is int, \
                    "All elements in the broadcast mapping values must be integers."
        self._broadcast_mapping = value

    def process_action(self, broadcasting_agent, action_dict, **kwargs):
        If the agent has chosen to broadcast, then we process their broadcast.

        The processing goes through a series of checks. The broadcast is successful
        if there is a receiving agent such that:
        1. The receiving agent is within range.
        2. The receiving agent is compatible according to the broadcast_mapping.
        3. The receiving agent is observable by the broadcasting agent.

        If the broadcast is successful, then the receiving agent receives the message
        in its observation.
        def determine_broadcast(agent):
            # Generate local grid and a broadcast mask.
            local_grid, mask = gu.create_grid_and_mask(
                agent, self.grid, agent.broadcast_range, self.agents

            # Randomly scan the local grid for receiving agents.
            receiving_agents = []
            for r in range(2 * agent.broadcast_range + 1):
                for c in range(2 * agent.broadcast_range + 1):
                    if mask[r, c]: # We can see this cell
                        candidate_agents = local_grid[r, c]
                        if candidate_agents is not None:
                            for other in candidate_agents.values():
                                if == # Cannot broadcast to yourself
                                elif other.encoding not in self.broadcast_mapping[agent.encoding]:
                                    # Cannot broadcast to this type of agent
            return receiving_agents

        if self._supported_agent(broadcasting_agent):
            action = action_dict[self.key]
            if action: # Agent has chosen to attack
                return determine_broadcast(broadcasting_agent)

Now we define the BroadcastObserver. The observer enables agents to see all received messages, including their own current message. This observer is unique from all other components we have seen so far because it explicitly relies on the BroadcastingState component, which will have a small impact in how we initialize the simulation.

from gymnasium.spaces import Dict
from import Box
from import ObserverBaseComponent

class BroadcastObserver(ObserverBaseComponent):
    def __init__(self, broadcasting_state=None, **kwargs):

        assert isinstance(broadcasting_state, BroadcastingState), \
            "broadcasting_state must be an instance of BroadcastingState"
        self._broadcasting_state = broadcasting_state

        for agent in self.agents.values():
            if self._supported_agent(agent):
                agent.observation_space[self.key] = Dict({
           Box(-1, 1, (1,), float)
                    for other in self.agents.values() if self._supported_agent(other)
                agent.null_observation[self.key] = {
           0. for other in self.agents.values()
                    if self._supported_agent(other)

    def key(self):
        return 'message'

    def _supported_agent(self):
        return isinstance(agent, BroadcastingAgent) and isinstance(agent, ObservingAgent)

    def get_obs(self, agent, **kwargs):
        if not self._supported_agent(agent):
            return {}

        obs = {other: 0 for other in agent.observation_space[self.key]}
        receive_from = self._broadcasting_state.update_message_and_reset_receiving(agent)
        for agent_id, message in receive_from:
            obs[agent_id] = message
        obs[] = agent.message
        return obs

Finally, we can create a custom done condition. We want the broadcasting agents to finish when they’ve reached consensus; that is, when their internal message is within some tolerance of the average message.

from abmarl.sim.gridworld.done import DoneBaseComponent

class AverageMessageDone(DoneBaseComponent):
    def __init__(self, done_tolerance=None, **kwargs):
        self.done_tolerance = done_tolerance

    def done_tolerance(self):
        return self._done_tolerance

    def done_tolerance(self, value):
        assert type(value) in [int, float], "Done tolerance must be a number."
        assert value > 0, "Done tolerance must be positive."
        self._done_tolerance = value

    def get_done(self, agent, **kwargs):
        if isinstance(agent, BroadcastingAgent):
            average = np.average([
                other.message for other in self.agents.values()
                if isinstance(other, BroadcastingAgent)
            return np.abs(agent.message - average) <= self.done_tolerance
            return False

    def get_all_done(self, **kwargs):
        for agent in self.agents.values():
            if isinstance(agent, BroadcastingAgent):
                if not self.get_done(agent):
                    return False
        return True

Building and running the simulation

Now that all the components have been created, we can create the full simulation:

from abmarl.sim.gridworld.base import GridWorldSimulation

class BroadcastSim(GridWorldSimulation):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        self.position_state = PositionState(**kwargs)
        self.broadcasting_state = BroadcastingState(**kwargs)

        self.move_actor = MoveActor(**kwargs)
        self.broadcast_actor = BroadcastingActor(**kwargs)

        self.grid_observer = PositionCenteredEncodingObserver(**kwargs)
        self.broadcast_observer = BroadcastObserver(broadcasting_state=self.broadcasting_state, **kwargs)

        self.done = AverageMessageDone(**kwargs)


    def reset(self, **kwargs):

        self.rewards = { 0 for agent in self.agents.values()}

    def step(self, action_dict, **kwargs):
        # process broadcasts
        for agent_id, action in action_dict.items():
            agent = self.agents[agent_id]
            receiving_agents = self.broadcast_actor.process_action(agent, action, **kwargs)
            if receiving_agents is not None:
                self.broadcasting_state.update_receipients(agent, receiving_agents)

        # process moves
        for agent_id, action in action_dict.items():
            agent = self.agents[agent_id]
            move_result = self.move_actor.process_action(agent, action, **kwargs)
            if not move_result:
                self.rewards[] -= 0.1

        # Entropy penalty
        for agent_id in action_dict:
            self.rewards[agent_id] -= 0.01

    def render(self, **kwargs):
        for agent in self.agents.values():
            if isinstance(agent, BroadcastingAgent):
                print(f"{}: {agent.message}")

    def get_obs(self, agent_id, **kwargs):
        agent = self.agents[agent_id]
        return {
            **self.grid_observer.get_obs(agent, **kwargs),
            **self.broadcast_observer.get_obs(agent, **kwargs)

    def get_reward(self, agent_id, **kwargs):
        reward = self.rewards[agent_id]
        self.rewards[agent_id] = 0
        return reward

    def get_done(self, agent_id, **kwargs):
        return self.done.get_done(agent_id, **kwargs)

    def get_all_done(self, **kwargs):
        return self.done.get_all_done(**kwargs)

    def get_info(self, **kwargs):
        return {}

Let’s initialize our simulation and run it. We initialize some BroadcastingAgents and some BlockingAgents. Then we initialize the simulation with a broadcast mapping that specifies that broadcasts can only be made amongst agents with encoding 1, which are the BroadcastingAgents.

agents = {
    'broadcaster0': BroadcastingAgent(id='broadcaster0', encoding=1, broadcast_range=6, render_color='green'),
    'broadcaster1': BroadcastingAgent(id='broadcaster1', encoding=1, broadcast_range=6, render_color='green'),
    'broadcaster2': BroadcastingAgent(id='broadcaster2', encoding=1, broadcast_range=6, render_color='green'),
    'broadcaster3': BroadcastingAgent(id='broadcaster3', encoding=1, broadcast_range=6, render_color='green'),
    'blocker0': BlockingAgent(id='blocker0', encoding=2, move_range=2, view_range=3, render_color='black'),
    'blocker1': BlockingAgent(id='blocker1', encoding=2, move_range=1, view_range=3, render_color='black'),
    'blocker2': BlockingAgent(id='blocker2', encoding=2, move_range=1, view_range=3, render_color='black'),
sim = BroadcastSim.build_sim(
    7, 7,
    broadcast_mapping={1: [1]},

fig = plt.figure()

done_agents = set()
for i in range(50):
    action = { agent.action_space.sample() for agent in agents.values() if not in done_agents
    for agent in agents:
        if agent not in done_agents:
            obs = sim.get_obs(agent)
        if sim.get_done(agent):

    if sim.get_all_done():

The visualization produces an animation like the one at the top of this page. We can see the “path towards consensus” among the BroadcastingAgents in the output. Keep your eye open for the effects of blocking.

Step 1
broadcaster0: 0.5936447861764813
broadcaster1: -0.8344218389696239
broadcaster2: 0.09891331950679949
broadcaster3: 0.32590416873488093

Step 2
broadcaster0: 0.028375705313912796
broadcaster1: -0.25425883511737146
broadcaster2: -0.13653478357598114
broadcaster3: -0.25425883511737146

For steps 3-5, notice that Broadcaster3 is blocked. The other broadcasters
have reached a consensus, but the simulation does not end becaue they must all

Step 3
broadcaster0: -0.12080597112647994
broadcaster1: -0.12080597112647994
broadcaster2: -0.12080597112647995
broadcaster3: -0.15416918712420283

Step 4
broadcaster0: -0.12080597112647994
broadcaster1: -0.12080597112647994
broadcaster2: -0.12080597112647995
broadcaster3: -0.15416918712420283

Step 5
broadcaster0: -0.12080597112647994
broadcaster1: -0.12080597112647994
broadcaster2: -0.12080597112647995
broadcaster3: -0.15416918712420283

Broadcaster3 is no longer blocked
Step 6
broadcaster0: -0.12080597112647995
broadcaster1: -0.12080597112647995
broadcaster2: -0.12080597112647995
broadcaster3: -0.1319270431257209


Step 16
broadcaster0: -0.1241744002450772
broadcaster1: -0.12417639653661512
broadcaster2: -0.12417523451616769
broadcaster3: -0.12417511533458334

Step 17
broadcaster0: -0.12417528665811084
broadcaster1: -0.12417528665811083
broadcaster2: -0.12417528665811083
broadcaster3: -0.12417528665811084

Extra Challenges

Having successfully created new components and fit them into the GridWorld Simulation Framework, we can create a vast variety of different simulations, constrained primarily by our own imagination. We leave the extra challenges up to you and what you can think of.